Passion Pit Tease Fans with Another Short, Cryptic Video

Passion Pit are at it again, dropping hints about their upcoming new album in the most minimalist way possible.

Last week, the band had their fans decode some Morse code which ended up being some lyrics to a new song. After that, they unveiled a short video, giving those excited fans a tiny taste of a new song. Now, they’re at it once again.

Today, the synthy-band decided to keep up with their cryptic clues by posting a link to a website on Twitter. The website led fans to that appears to be their new band site for all things Kindred, their upcoming new album, hence the actual link,

As soon as you’re taken to the website, a brand new, never before seen video is on your screen. But don’t get too excited, the video is only eight seconds long, but it does feature what is probably some music from one of the tracks on Kindred. Plus, it appears that the title of the song might be some lyrics from said song; “the piece of it all that I could only hold in.”

Check out the video below.

At least we know a couple of things about the new album; its name and the projected release date which is sometime in April through Columbia Records.

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